Friday, April 1, 2011

Phoenix AM

Since I'm about to drive out to Phoenix for the Phoenix Am contest I started searching for old footage I had of the contest. I have been out to that contest a few times and its one of the best events in skateboarding. Trent and Laura from Cowtown have been helping out the scene there for years and since its about a 5 hour drive (without traffic) to Phoenix from LA, I like driving out to support them and their event. JFA will be playing this weekend at the after party and it just so happens I'm selling 2 JFA records on ebay this week.

I'll also be staying a few days after the contest to skate with my man Andrew Cannon.

I love skating with Andrew because he pushes me to try tricks. Can't wait to skate all the good skateparks out in AZ. Here's some footage from a Listen trip I did to Phoenix Am in 2005. I went with Rodrigo Petersen and Brian Brown. I met Donnie Mitchell at the contest. We are into Donnie and added him to the Listen team. Wish I had footage of Donnie from that contest. I think he got 11th that year.

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